Monday, April 16, 2007

The rest of Munich

Here's the (not so brief) summary of the rest of my Saturday:

First, some remainders from the morning. I was pretty pleased with myself in terms of looking young when the tour guide offered to give me the student rate. I was talking with the college girls on the tour, and was kind of hoping to tag along with them for the day... they seemed fun, interested in drinking beer, and they spoke English. At some point during the tour I mentioned that the last time I had been in Munich they were still using Deutsch marks. The girls asked what marks were. When I had to explain it was the currency in use in 1999 they told me they were 12 years old in 1999.

We didn't hang out much after that.

Anyways, the rest of the day was beer: a quiet beer in the English Gardens, and then a beer tour (same guide as the morning). The tour was pretty good... the guide took us to 4 places, offered up advice on the better beers at each place, talking about the history of beer in Germany (did you know wheat beers exist because barley prices got to high?), etc. The tour group was a bunch of Brazilians who didn't actually seem to enjoy beer, an Australian who spent the winter as a ski instructor in Austria, two Scottish kids and their mom, a couple of old American dudes from Albany (they didn't know Pat), and the worst American in Europe (more on him in another post).

Sadly, there aren't a lot of great stories from the evening that don't involve the awful American. By the time we got to Hofbrauhaus (the most famous beer hall in Europe) it was 11:00 and I was staring a 6am wakeup call in the fact, so after 1 liter of the lager I called it quits. Turns out that Hofbrau closes at midnight, which I didn't know before.

Wow. This blog post kind of turned into nothing. I realized that I put most of the stories on Flickr.

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