Monday, April 9, 2007

In Munich, not sure what's going on

First, the kezboards in Germanz are reallz screwed up, so apologies in advance.

I've now been hanging out in the Munich airport for 3 hours, pushing me past the 24 hours without sleep mark. I'm kind of starting to hallucinate, or at least I was an hour ago. I attempted to fix that situation by walking outside (the Munich airport has a reallz nice glass roof covered courtyard inbetween terminals) and getting some fresh air. However, I may have countered any benefit from the fresh air by sitting and having a late lunch, with a half liter of weissbrau, at Airbrau, the Munich airports own brewpub. And brewery. Iäm not kidding. They play a lot of Phil Collins.

)Seriouslz, this keyboard is a joke. It onlz makes my current state of mind all the harder to deal with).

Anywho, not too much else to report. I thought there was a really trippy Burger King statue, but it turns out to be some sort of Bavarian mascot. I have a picture of myself crossing the 24 hour mark (it happens to be in the bathroom), which isnät as bad as it could be.

The last time I was in Germany was 1999, and obviously much has changed since then. However, I distinctly remember being told not to bring or wear any denim for fear of looking like and American tourist (since the backpack never gave it away). Well, we (i.e. America) seem to have won that war. Everyone is wearing jeans. Old, young, it doesn't matter... they are all happily walking around in Levi Strauss. I feel out of place with khakis (don't worry... I brought two pairs of jeans).

Also, I think every American who has an issue with multilingual education needs to come to Europe alone and see how many people can and are willing to speak English. It's quite impressive... I bought a little German phrasebook, but no one has given me a problem when speaking English (except the girls trying to hawk me an Amex gold card). My lack of sleep has somehow activated the part of mz brain that remembers Spanish, and it's all I can do to not throw "La cuenta, por favor" out when asking for the check.

Lastly, the Munich airport is really quite nice, but it lacks the chaos of Heathrow (or, for that matter, any American airport), which makes it kind of creepy. Like the baggage claim area. At National Airport the baggage claim area is kind of like a rugby scrum. But here, people come in, get their bags, and leave. No big deal. Weird.

Well, hopefullz this is my last blog before sleep. My co-worker should arrive within the hour, then we get our car and head to Regensburg. Maybe more from there tomorrow.


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