Tuesday, April 3, 2007

The requisite post on The Bachelor

As a former Bachelor candidate myself I feel I need, no, must, comment on last night's premier of The Bachelor. The guy who is the Bachelor was my year at Duke; I knew of him but didn't know him personally.

Anyways, my thoughts on what is likely to be the only episode I'll actually watch:
  1. It was amazingly uncomfortable to watch him greet the girls. I thought my 30th birthday was bad (moving across the country to a town with no friends), but being forced to meet 25 rabid and likely over-the-top aggressive girls would have much, much worse.
  2. That said, 4 of the contestants are from Charleston (or Hilton Head), and that's pretty optimal.
  3. This was my big takeaway: why the hell did they have him driving a Saleen S7? For the uninitiated, this is a custom supercar that sells for a touch over $500,000. Don't get me wrong, it is an amazing automobile (0-60 in under 3 seconds), but if you are going to pick out a super-car to improve the image of the Bachelor, why not pick something that is immediately recognizable by most people. What's wrong with a Ferrari F430? Or a Lambo? Or Bentley? Or, keeping it American, a Ford GT? You really need to be a car geek to know what a Saleen S7 is. And I don't think the Bachelor's audience is full of car geeks.
  4. BTW, if he owns that car, I'm joining the Navy tomorrow. Or running an Ironman.
  5. Seriously, budget is no constraint and you don't pick this? I wouldn't want to be on that show anyways.

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