Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Watch for us on TV

There's a pretty good chance that I'll be on TV tonight (Wednesday). I'll be going to the Sonics/Wizards game with Huan and Tyler H, and I'll be wearing this. Check Comcast Sports Net at 10:00 EDT.

Bright orange t-shirt + horrible upper deck seats = guaranteed air time.

I'm going to the game for a couple of reasons; I've become a big Wizards fan, Key Arena is 5 blocks from my apartment, and the tickets were presumably $5. The Washington State Lottery is running a promotion that upper deck seats are $5 in March... even with $8 beer that's a reasonable night out. Except that you have to buy the tickets from Ticketmaster, which charged me the following:
  • Tickets: $5/each
  • Convenience charge: $2.75/ticket
  • Processing fee: $3.75
  • Tickets Now: $2.50
Total? $21.50. More than double. Now, I know I'm beating a dead horse, but Ticketmaster is just absurd. So they want to pile on fees... that's fine. Do they really need to spit in my face and charge me a 55% fee for "convenience"? I'm not exactly sure who is getting said convenience. The "Tickets Now" fee is absurd ($2.50 to email you tickets... that's right, email), but at least it provides a service. The $2.75 is just recouping costs. Or adding to profit. Ticketmaster execs will reside in a special place in the afterlife.

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