Thursday, March 22, 2007

An intervention

I heard a couple of disturbing stories from back East tonight. One involved a friend who went out with a "guy" who "wasn't in to March Madness." I'm not sure how anyone could say that, much less mean it. And I'm really confused as to why someone would admit that while on a date.

That said, I received far more disturbing news just minutes later. Franko is getting a cat. A (presumably) live cat. With fur and claws and meows and stuff like that. It is not a dog disguised as a cat either, which is what I was hoping for. It seems an odd choice for someone to take on that kind of responsibility out of the blue. Especially when that pet is a cat.

When hearing the news Huan called Franko to confirm that he didn't mistakenly type "cat" when he meant "dog." Franko also confirmed that he wasn't having a stroke, so it appears as if there really will be a cat in his life. And not a dog.

To compensate Huan for the mental anguish this has caused, Franko allowed us to pick a new name for the cat (it's currently called "Johnny Cash"). Here is the list we're choosing from:
  • Mr Wiggly
  • HuanandTyler
  • The Aristocat
  • Dewey Beach Cougar
  • Pussy Galore
  • Sex Panther
  • Mrs Whiskerson
  • Bad Idea
Please vote via the comments, and we'll announce the new name of Franko's cat after the Elite Eight is over. If you have to ask when that is, get a cat.

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