Sunday, May 20, 2007

My Amex seems to indicate I've aged well

Went out to dinner with the other Tyler after golf yesterday at a place he described as a "classier Hooters." It's not an inaccurate description, but I feel I need to clarify. If Hooters is a "2" on the classy scale, then this place is an "8". They just seem to hire really attractive waitresses and have them dress in all black. It feels out of place for Seattle... it feels like a place you go in Vegas before gambling for 9 hours.

Anyhooo, we stayed at the restaurant bar after dinner for a drink, and I had the following interaction with the bartender after ordering drinks:

Me: I'll have two beers. [Hand over my Amex] You can keep it open.
Bartender: [Stares at my Amex]
Bartender: Um, is this supposed to be your ID?
Me: Um, no, it's my credit card.
Bartender: Oh duh, I'm such an idiot. I need your ID.
Me: [Handing over my ID]
Bartender: Oh wow, you've aged well.
Hobbs: [Coughs as he is clearly stunned by this statement] Haven't I aged well too?
Bartender: [Nothing]
Me: [Approaching 1000 on the self-confidence scale]

Sadly, I never saw this particular bartender again, so I couldn't thank her/ask her out/get her to sign an affadavit that I've aged well. That said, I am disappointed that being 30 means that I'm considered "aged." Oh well.

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