Saturday, July 14, 2007

How do you screw up a classic rock radio station

While back in DC I listened to a lot of bad radio. This isn't a total surprise... the demise of terrestrial radio hasn't been news in a decade. That said, I was stunned to the degree to which some stations had declined. Specifically, 94.7, which is now called "The Globe" for some reason. When I left it had been a solid if not spectacular classic rock station. Lots of Stones, Zeppelin, occasionally some U2, etc. Imagine my dismay when I head them play Billy Idol and Gin Blossoms. How sucky are they? Gin Blossoms (who were never good) are now playing gigs at places like Seacrets*.

Anyways, this blog has certainly turned ranty recently, so I won't write 1000 words about how hard it is to screw up a station focused on playing great songs from a single era? Are they actively trying to get people to switch to iPods and Sirius/XM?

* Let me make sure that no one infers that I am dissing Seacrets in the Seacrets/Gin Blossoms concert combo. Seacrets is easily the best bar I've been to in the past 6 months... the combo of bikini contest, in-water drinking area, and boat taxi service is pretty amazing.

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