But now it's time for something I'm definitely doing next year: The Red Bull Soap Box Derby. Basically it's like go-karting, only the participants are usually drunk and the vehicles have no engines. Like this:

Literally there isn't much to these things. The real fun comes before they push these down the hill. Each team has to do some sort of dance, there's a theme and costumes and all sorts of good stuff. This year's judges included Sir Mix-a-Lot (of baby got back fame), Nick Collison (of Seattle Sonics fame), Amanda Beard (of Olympic gold medalist and, um, Playboy fame), and maybe some sort of X-Gamer who I've never heard of. But between a hot swimmer and Sir Mix-a-Lot I was enthralled.
Anyways, my buddy Chris has a garage, and I'm pretty sure that we can buy an old go-kart frame to use as a base, and then we just need a theme. Dad -- figure out how to get the old karting crew out to Seattle next September. We'll also need a welder. And a choreographer. And some creativity... here are some of the other participants:

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