Several interesting things happened:
1) Chris and Sarah own hunting cats. They look like house cats, but every time I see Chris or Sarah they have a story about a different animal that their cats have killed/maimed/stunned/injured. The cats feel the need to brag about their hunting prowess by bringing their prey into Chris and Sarah's house. This happened while we were there a couple Saturdays ago. We were hanging around after dinner and noticed one of the cats staring under one of the couches. We didn't think much of it until we lifted up the couch and a mouse came running out. This, of course, caused pandemonium in the house. A few minutes later I had a rake in my hand and was guarding one potential escape path like a hockey goalie.
2) After the mouse was scared out of the house (and back into cats' killing fields) we decided to go bowling. We split up into teams of 3: myself, Jay, and Sarah against Chris, Lunn, and Kevin. Lunn bragged about how he rolled a 269 a couple of years ago, so his opening 89 wasn't very impressive. Jay, Sarah, and I racked up two victories in a row.
Then Lunn got hot. The bad guys won games three and four, and we found ourselves in a stalemate. Even though the lanes were closing we had to find a winner. We bowled the 5th game. And unfortunately, we decided to put money on the line.
Ooops. We got slaughtered. I think we lost by 100 pins. Lunn rolled a 173, the best round of the night. My team then found out that games were $5.25 each, and since we each had to pay for 10 rounds, well, a casual night of bowling ended up costing $52. And maybe more, depending on how you factor in the cost of arm rehab. My wrist hurt for most of the week. I got a text message from Chris on the following Friday saying that his shoulder still hurt. I challenge anyone to go bowl 5 games and see what happens.
Just don't tell me when it doesn't actually hurt. I don't need people to tell me what a wuss I am. Oh, and the 3rd classic blunder (behind the Asian land war and going in against a Sicilian when death is on the line) is betting against Lunn after he's made a ridiculous claim that he can't back up. Of course he'll back it up, and he'll do it with this shit-eating grin on his face:

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