I'm thinking of investing in a plane ticket for Huan so that he can go and fight one of the following deserving people.
- In the blue corner we have the Delta Zeta sorority, who are newly famous for getting rid of anyone who wasn't thin and white at DePauw Univeristy. When I told Huan about this article on Saturday he steamed for hours. Anyways, I'm pretty sure Huan doesn't punch women, but he might punch someone from DZ national.
- In the red corner we have Spencer Pratt (the hoser on the left up there). If you don't watch The Hills on MTV then you won't quite understand why he sucks, although reading his myspace page gives you lots of hints. As will this. If you do watch The Hills then you know exactly why Huan wants to beat this guy up: he wears a chain all the time, he uses "mack" as a verb, and he wears a chain.
Did you also mention that he's white? Well, he is. And he still wears a chain all the time.
I think I just threw up in my mouth.
Yep. Did.
the worst news of all is the heidi and spencer are still together. it is agony to know that he gets to mack with that.
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