Sunday, February 11, 2007


After carrying around my camera for the full two weeks that I've been here I finally remembered to use it for something other than ballast in my messenger bag. Here's what I've got so far:

This was the view from the balcony of my corporate apartment... the body of water is Lake Union, and the land mass on the other side is Capitol Hill (I think), which is about the exact opposite of DC's Capitol Hill in terms of vibe.

The reason the view of the lake isn't actually that pleasant is shown in the photo below. That's Aurora Ave, also known as Highway 99. This photo was taken from exactly the same place as the lake photo. Now everyone knows why I was complaining about how loud my apartment was... it literally sat on top of a highway. Great design!

The Frasier shot. This is the view from Huan and my balcony. The sky is a bit hazy, so it might not appear as striking as it really is. I wish I had a camera that could take a decent night shot, because it's even prettier when the buildings are lit up.

If you look to the right from the balcony you see the photo below (this was actually taken from my bedroom this morning). I have *NO* idea what they load on the ships that dock there, but it is much, much quieter than a 6 lane highway. The arrow shows where the Olympic Mountains are, unfortunately they were shrouded by clouds this morning. Not that my camera is good enough to get a decent shot of them.

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