Why have none of you told me that my furniture is small and puny and embarrassing? When my stuff finally arrived in the new apartment on Saturday I had a very Zoolander-like moment... I felt like they had delivered the furniture for a school of ants, not for actual humans. My stuff could be three times as large and it might look reasonable. Here is my rough approximation of our living room:

1 comment:
Some thoughts, in no particular order:
1-- Although years of urban living have probably left you without this option, you do know that rooms do not have to be "filled," right?
2-- Your diagram appears to have left out Huan's white noise machine and the groupies. Pls. revise.
3-- This is off-topic, but I thought you guys would be happy to know that you're missing the hysteria that is 4 inches of snowfall in DC. I saw someone get stuck in the driveway next to my building this morning. As I left for work, he was gunning it to get over that 0.001 degree incline up from the sidewalk. Seemed like an interesting strategy.
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