- The first candidate I heard was discussing states rights. He was approximately as well spoken as a ninth grade. I actually wondered why C-SPAN was airing a (bad) high school debate match.
- One of the candidates managed to dismiss both states rights and (whatever is the opposite of states rights) in the same answer. Say what you will about political double speak, but it is rare when a candidate nullifies his own answer in the same breath.
- Easily the best answer of the evening, and the reason for this post, was the Boy Scout answer. The candidates (there were maybe 8 of them) were asked what kind of people they would nominate to the Supreme Court. One of the candidates said he would only nominate a Boy Scout. Not a metaphorical Boy Scout, but a literal Boy Scout. It would seem that they are taught a moral code consistent with the legal philosophy espoused by this particular candidate.
* This is not at all intended to be a sleight towards Scouting. It is fully intended to be a sleight towards this particular politician.